Saturday, 12 January 2013

Reiki with Spritual knowledge part 3

Fever disappear from a pill-

By-SanjayKumar Saxena                                                                    12 JAN 2013
Once again  i will like to remember you that , i am not writing this article to create superstitions ,you can read it as a story but it happens, why? i do not know.Researches still have to be done for find out reasons behind this.
                     Once upon a time my friend Sanjay Shruvastava along with his daughter came to my house and asked me to go with him to the meet doctor. His daughter was suffering from high fever.I became ready to go to meet with family doctor.It was Morning.  We reached to meet with doctor in his clinic, but doctor's attender tell us doctor will come at evening shift, and you can meet him in evening.I asked him to go to another doctor.he replied "we will come back again in evening, let us go back ".My friend purchased a pill for fever from a medical store .as he came back,  his daughter start to tell me "Uncle ,you are a famous and well known reiki healer, so many people trusts on you for curing a sevear diseases. i m suffering from fever alone. Why are you not giving me reiki healing. i am afraid of injections.". When i heard all this , i replied " you are also like my child and if my child will became ill , at first i will go to the doctor.If circumstances are beyond over reach then i will use my reiki.".His daughter was vary cute and beautiful she starts saying "Please cure me, i am afraid of injection, again and again." .I asked my friend to give the pill to me, I hold  that pill in my both hands for some time and prays god to cure. After that i asked  his daughter to take the pill  at the spot for lower down the fever.I told to my fried that if fever comes again, we will come back  in evening to meet doctor.His daughter was happy now,  saying that fever can not come back again. I have taken a pill given by my uncle.My friend's daughter was only 10 year old. I laugh at him saying that" i m not a god".
                    After some time fever has gone,she has cured . In the evening when i reached his house his daughter was playing with his friends.She came to near me . I asked "how are you now" . she replied i m OK, no fever, fever can't come back . It was true,she was cured. My friend asked me to take a cup of tea. He was happy.

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